Men's Health
Our Services at Glengarriff Medical Centre
Our practice offers a full range of services for men of all ages from general health checks and health promotion to specific health checks for men such as prostate checks, testicular checks and sexually transmitted disease checks.
Prostate Checks
Checking your prostate health usually involves taking a history and looking for specific symptoms suggesting issues with the prostate gland such as decrease in force of flow of urine, an examination of the prostate gland which is done by a rectal exam and a blood test for prostate cancer if necessary after discussion.
For further information on prostate cancer please click here
Testicular Health
If you are concerned about a lump or bump in your testicle please discuss this with your doctor who will be happy to examine your testicles and advise on further investigations if necessary.
Most testicular swellings are benign but it is important to have a swelling checked as in the case of testicular cancer, early diagnosis is key.
For further information on testicular cancer please click here
Sexual Health
We are happy to discuss any issues relating to your sexual health which may include erectile dysfunction, sexual transmitted diseases, contraception including vasectomy.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. Occasional inability to achieve an erection is common but if it becomes a recurring problem it is worthwhile discussing it with your doctor.
There are many causes both physical and psychological and there are good treatments available depending on the cause.
For further information please click here
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
If you have symptoms such as penile discharge, pain passing urine or skin lesions on your penis such as spots, bumps, blisters or ulcers and consider that this may be related to a recent sexual contact it is important to check this out.
We offer full STD screening which involves history taking, examination, urine tests, blood tests and penile swabs. Even if you have no obvious symptoms or signs of an STD but you are concerned that you may be at risk we are happy to carry out a screening.
For more information please click here
Cancers Affecting Men
For information on other cancers affecting men please click here